Although our specialty is competitive dressage, we also teach riders in other disciplines. The scope and degree of our instructor’s education and experience offers a broad range of skills. The basic goal of dressage is a balanced, supple, forward, & cheerfully cooperative horse; qualities desirable to all riders, from the serious competitor to a pleasure rider.

Our popular lesson program offers instruction to a wide range of riders. All ages and skill levels are welcome. Our instructors are qualified to address each individuals needs and interests.

You will find our instructors professional and the lessons enjoyable.  We want riders to have fun and enjoy their time at Forrest Hill.

Click FAQ for more lesson info…..

Our goal is to help you develop skills to confidently pursue your equestrian interests, realize your potiental and have a good time !

Riding Instruction

Phone: 765-589-3838     email:

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Upcoming clinics and other educational events







 Saddle Seat




and the




We also have a VOLUNTEER PROGRAM click here to see more